Galacto Gooeygazer - The Krunko Plops Share: Download MP3 More song by The Krunko Plops Mac Mucus 1:58 Popmire Jusjangle 3:02 Wonder Wavewobble 1:59 Bass Blahbounce 2:31 Midas Googlide 2:00 Acid Beatbelcher 2:37 Whitney Warblewave 2:53 Groovy Melodrip 4:23 Kooky Kraftkeeper 2:28 Grunge Goopgrumbler 2:39 Grimygroove Gomez 1:43 Stickyfingers Plopslosh 1:59 Weezy Whimslick 2:53 Avibeat Soundscorch 2:37 Squishdot Floptide 2:03 Aretha Oozequeen 2:13 Ziggo Splotchdust 3:20 Poppa Pukepatterns 1:48 Krx-ork 1:56